Milagro is a quartzitic sandstone. Neutral with brown speckles, it works well with today’s desire for earth tones. Low solar gain. Available in pavers, slabs, strip stone, and thin veneer. Quarried in New Mexico.

Hours of Operation: M-F 8am-4:30pm MST
Lyons Sandstone is a wholesale only quarry and fabrication company located just outside of Lyons Colorado. While we specialize in our local Lyons Red Sandstone, we work with a wide range of colors and materials quarried throughout Colorado and the adjacent region. We partner with landscape designers, architects, stone masons, installers, environmental engineers, and building professionals in the design and execution of natural stone projects.
We offer a full range of stone products in a wide range of materials. Everything from random flagstone for a backyard patio to polished cladding for a multistory building. We can make you a memorial bench or a grand entry sign.
Let us know what you want and we will figure out how to do it.
Milagro is a quartzitic sandstone. Neutral with brown speckles, it works well with today’s desire for earth tones. Low solar gain. Available in pavers, slabs, strip stone, and thin veneer. Quarried in New Mexico.
Lyons Red is a Colorado sandstone quarried here in Lyons. This stone features a natural-cleft finished that’s not only attractive but also functional. We produce a wide range of products in this exceptional material.
Lyons Sandstone is dedicated to the expanded use of natural stone thin veneer in Colorado and the mountain west. We offer an ever-expanding pallet of materials and patterns at very competitive prices.
Aspen is a local Colorado buff quartzitic sandstone. Widely and historically used across the Front Range. Lyons Sandstone specializes in providing thin veneer in this product. Panels and full depth veneer also available.
Prairie Gold is a Golden Buff Sandstone native to Colorado. Beautiful and unique, we offer this material in everything from Thin Veneer or Panel Cladding to Large Slabs or Blocks for landscape features.
Natural Stone Decking is a new concept in decking. Fireproof, Zero maintenance and guaranteed to last a lifetime, it offers a truly new deck experience in different materials and patterns.
Phone: 303.823.5659
Fax: 303.823.0173
Email: [email protected]
Location: Lyons, Colorado
Visits by appointment only.
If you’re looking for a few stones for your backyard project, we have distributors in Colorado, Kansas, California, Oklahoma, Illinois, Idaho, and Vermont, including nationwide distributors. Read more »