Lyons Sandstone offers a wide range of Natural stones from the rocky mountain region in a wide array of products. Everything from multi-ton blocks and boulders to thin veneer or tile. We have products that we keep hundreds of tons of in stock and others that we custom design and precision cut to the 1/8″.
We specialize in wholesale Colorado Red Sandstone (often called flagstone) sold directly from our quarry in Lyons, Colorado. This stone features a natural-cleft finished that’s not only naturally attractive but also highly durable and slip resistant.
We also offer Prairie Gold, a natural buff sandstone also quarried in Colorado. Download our brochure for Prairie Gold sandstone. It is a great stone for thin veneer, cladding, and benches.
Our Ptarmigan is a very hard Granite type of stone Quarried in the foothill west of Denver. Beautiful and variable, this material is great as Thin veneer, full bed strip stone, and pavers. Custom slabs are also available.
Milagro is a quartzitic sandstone from central New Mexico. A gorgeous cream-colored stone with brown speckles, this stone delivers a variety of natural cleft surfaces. In Milagro, we offer sawn sided pavers, thin veneer, and strip stone as well as steppers.
We cut our stone to standard sizes, as well as custom-cut it to specification depending on your needs.
One of the advantages of working with us is that we carry many more products than you’ll find at a typical big box store or distributor. We are also able to saw, hone, and polish our stone according to your requirements.
Download our brochure for design ideas and installation techniques.
Learn more about our stone: